


今やすっかり浸透したDIY(Do It Yourself)という言葉。これまでプロの業者に依頼していた修理やちょっとしたリノベーションを自分でやってみよう!と挑戦する人も増えています。専門の知識や技術がなくてもできる手軽な作業方法であれば、予算を最小限に抑えられる上に、やり始めると意外と楽しくてDIYにすっかりハマってしまったなんて声も。


1. 肝心なとこ、うっかりしてました…


Diy fail from r/Wellthatsucks

2. ギャー!!


Main water valve was not shut off for the winter in a cabin from r/Wellthatsucks

3. 漫画みたいだな…


A friend sent me this picture today. from r/Wellthatsucks

4. 釘 vs ハンマー2本

The little nail that could and two hammers that couldn’t. from r/Wellthatsucks

5. えらいこっちゃ


Went down to the basement to do laundry… from r/Wellthatsucks

6. トイレの悲劇


Wife bought a new plant pot and put it on the shelf over the toilet. And hour later we heard a crash… from r/Wellthatsucks

7. 最悪な目覚め方


Kitchen cabinets decided to yeet themselves at 4 in the morning from r/Wellthatsucks

8. どういうこと?


My fire alarm caught on fire. from r/Wellthatsucks

9. 片付けるの大変

Friend of mine posted this photo of the job site today from r/Wellthatsucks

10. 最悪や…

Slipped in the shower, landed on the toilet from r/Wellthatsucks

11. 上階で何かやらかしたようだ

I think I’m going to need a bigger bucket. from r/Wellthatsucks

12. 不在時の悲劇


cabinet fell off the wall while I was out. handmade dishes I’ve collected from little shops and farmers markets over the years, now shattered. I guess it’s fine i don’t have dishes anymore, since the cabinet knocked open the fridge door, ruining all my food. from r/Wellthatsucks

13. 無事にドアを開くことはできたのでしょうか?


14. 朝の光景

Good morning from r/Wellthatsucks

15. これは辛すぎる…


What happens when you’re renovating and remove a load-bearing wall from r/Wellthatsucks


プレビュー画像: ©Reddit/jetaimezombies