




1. 「コイツ、棚の扉を開けてはバタンと閉めるのを一晩中繰り返すという遊びを発見したらしい」

This asshole discovered he can open and slam shut the cabinet all night from r/CatsAreAssholes

2. 「午前4時半、我が家の猫ニスモは家中を叫びながら走り回る。しかし、試しに動物番組をテレビにつけっぱなしで寝てみたら、僕ももう1匹の猫も邪魔されずに寝られることを発見した」

It’s 4:30am, normally my cat, Nismo, would be tearing through the house making all sorts of noise. I put a nature show on and found out that my other cat and I can sleep while he’s distracted. from r/aww

3. 「紐の引っ張りっこをこの形相で続けるうちの猫」

My fluffy little Toothless loves to play tug of war and gets this great intense look in his eyes as I slowly pull him around my apartment. from r/CatsNamedToothless

4. 「ちょっと目を離したすきに、ヨーグルトとられちゃった」

Jackass stole my yogurt! I turned around to get some granola to mix in, and he was eating it! Little booger eats everything… from r/CatsAreAssholes

5. 「ペットカメラを導入。うちの子はちゃんと知っている」

Got a pet cam – I think she knows. from r/CatsAreAssholes

6. 「会社に行く前に猫のトイレを掃除して、ウンチをゴミ袋に入れて外のゴミ箱に捨てようと家を出た。お弁当も持って出かけた。どっちをゴミ箱に捨ててどっちを会社に持ってきたか当ててごらん」

I cleaned the cat’s litter box and brought the bag with me to throw away in my outdoor trash can on the way to work. I also brought my lunch. Guess which one got thrown away and which one came to work with me. from r/Wellthatsucks

7. 「旅行中の同居人の猫の世話をしていた。今日が同居人の休暇最終日。同居人の飛行機が着陸して、現実生活を歩み始めるその時まで黙っておく」

I’m catsitting for my roommates, and it’s their last day of vacation. I’m not going to tell them about this till their plane lands and their real life’s start again. from r/AnimalsBeingJerks

8. 「私のスリッパが姿を消して3ヶ月。そして今日、もう片方をくわえてバルコニーに逃れたティミーの身柄を確保。9.5足のスリッパの犠牲の後、ようやく捕まえた」

Welcome to today’s installment of Timmy’s an asshole. My slippers have been disappearing for 3 months now. I took this picture today, right after I watched him take my left slipper and yeet it off the edge of my balcony. 9 and a half pairs later, I’ve finally caught you. from r/CatsAreAssholes

9. 「3本しかない足をしっかり使って地獄を作り出す我が猫」

He may only have three legs, but he uses them all for mayhem. from r/CatsAreAssholes

10. 「うちの猫の私の窒息死計画は滞りなく進んでいる。注意:猫のお腹に顔を埋めたわけではない。うちの猫は私の鼻と口の上に寝そべるの」

Her plan to murder me via suffocation is going swimmingly. Note: I did not bury my face in her fur; she chose to lay down covering my mouth and nose. from r/CatsAreAssholes

11. 「猫がうとうとしてる時私が何か喋ろうとすると…」

When my cat is trying to sleep while I talk to hubby… from r/CatsAreAssholes

12. 獣医のBOSS

We all know who’s really in charge at the vet clinic

13. 「左:6ヶ月前に購入した爪とぎポール。右:リビングルームに一晩置いていた段ボール箱」

Left: A scratching post I bought 6 months ago. Right: A box left overnight in the living room. from r/CatsAreAssholes

14. 「エサを撒き散らしておいて、私が餌を追加するまでこうして見つめ続ける」

He made a huge mess with his food and then stared at me until I filled his bowl with more. from r/AnimalsBeingJerks

15. どうしても他猫のベッドで寝たい

My calico keeps trying to steal the bed from my black cat from r/AnimalsBeingJerks

16. 観葉植物がどうも気にくわん

This is chuckie. Chuckie hates house plants. Chuckie has successfully ruined 3/7 house plants. He shows no mercy. Not even to those that smile. #Asshole from r/CatsAreAssholes

