




1. このご時世、物議を醸しそうな下着メーカーの激細マネキン

Finally a realistic mannequins in women’s lingerie store from r/CrappyDesign

2. 雑すぎる謎フォトショで鼻の穴が片方消去!唇もおかしなことに

This ebay advertisement for a sleep mask photo shopped out her nose and left one nostril from r/CrappyDesign

3. キッズの写真…どうにかならんのか

We cut kids from r/CrappyDesign

4. どう考えてもおかしい

Yeah very flexible from r/CrappyDesign

5. コラですよね…

2018 hair trend? from r/CrappyDesign

6. むこうから汽笛がなってそう

This ad for graduation photography from r/CrappyDesign

7. カマキリみたいだな

I followed this bus for 4 blocks to wait for it to pull over to share this beautiful work of art. from r/CrappyDesign

8. 進化系か

This guy’s frog legs featured in an ad from r/CrappyDesign

9. 背景だけでなくセリフもなかなか…結腸洗浄の広告がインパクトありすぎる


This colon cleanse ad is so bad it’s hilarious from r/CrappyDesign

10. なぜその写真なのか

Well, now that the floors are clean… from r/CrappyDesign

11. 二つの顔…怖いyo!

I think she should go to the hospital instead of booking a flight… from r/CrappyDesign

12. 未来の乗り物?

This really odd advertisement for transit around my city (Where did the bus driver come from?!?!) from r/CrappyDesign

13. 仰け反らないと浴びることができないシャワー

Awww yisss finally a shower that works with my broken neck from r/funny

14. 運転席で走行中にも…ってヤバイんでないの

Enjoy a nice massage in a moving car with your eyes closed from r/CrappyDesign

15. やたらと赤くてピカピカしたリンゴには要注意ということで…

A bag of apples with a character on it that got poisoned by an apple from r/CrappyDesign

16. 不吉すぎる…

It almost seems intentional from r/CrappyDesign

17. なんてシュールな…(気がつくのにしばらくかかりました)

Found this in an ad today from r/CrappyDesign

18. お父さん、止めんかい

Hard hats are for safety from r/CrappyDesign

19. 未知の食べ物「China」

Ah yes, China, my favorite food from r/CrappyDesign

20. せめて区切ってあげて…

This woman turning into fish roll from r/CrappyDesign


とんでもない広告シリーズはこちらからも是非どうぞ ↓

プレビュー画像: ©Reddit/Bukkake_Monster ©Reddit/rosalina888