




1. 従業員専用トイレを使わせなかったことに腹を立て、紙コップに放尿して店員に投げつける男性客


Customer throwing cup he peed in at me because I didnt let him use our employees only bathroom from r/trashy

2. テーブルにはだしの足を…

Just chillin at the coffee shop. from r/trashy

3. 店側の粋な計らいで犬用の水のみボウルを置いたところ、誰かがタバコの吸殻をポイ捨て

Someone put out their cigarette in a dog dish outside this local shop. from r/trashy

4. なんと店主の猫を盗んだ客

this woman who stole the shop cat from a local flower shop. from r/trashy

6. 「信じられない。自由に遊んでもらおうとボードゲームをたくさん置いていたのですが、すべて壊されるなんて…」

Cafe provides boardgames free of charge to customers; customers destroy it in less than a week from r/trashy

7. チップを渡さなかった理由「チップは普通の外見の人にだけやるものだから」

Customer leave this note instead of tip

8. 「店の中を歩いていたら、急にアンモニア臭がして…」

Wandering through the store, when suddenly I smell piss. Stay trashy Salt Lake. from r/trashy

9. 新品のブラジャーを盗んで自分のを吊るして帰った客。ありえない…。

When you steal a bra from the store, but replace it with your old one. from r/trashy

10. リサイクルショップで子どもたちが商品を壊しても、親は知らん顔。

When parents let their kids destroy the thrift store. from r/trashy

11. マニキュアの瓶を開けて、逆さまにして逃げる悪質ないたずら

Spotted some opened up, upside down nail polish bottles at our local Target. from r/trashy

12. スプレー塗料の試し書き

People Testing Spray Paint At Ollies…. from r/trashy

13. 飲み物を豪快にこぼしても、申し訳程度に紙ナプキンを数枚上に置いておくだけ。

Someone just made this mess, dropped a few napkins on it, and left the store. from r/trashy


Decided they didn’t want their bag of frozen chicken breasts so why not leave them here to drip over everything below it. from r/trashy

15. 店頭の犬用ブラシを使ってそのままに…

A customer tried it on their dog and put it back on the shelf. from r/trashy

