




1. 「午後11時半、猫のお尻の穴から風船の紐を無事に引っ張り出しました」

My husband and I can officially check “pull a balloon string out of a cat’s asshole at 11:30 at night” off our bucket list. FINALLY from r/funny

2. 「あの…挟まったみたいです。助けて…」

My Dauschund puppy got stuck in the couch cushions from r/aww

3. 「僕のお気に入りの木が…」

I had to cut down a tree in my yard and now I feel bad from r/funny

4. 「だまされた」って顔

Do you think this is funny? from r/AnimalsBeingDerps

5. 自ら花瓶に顔を突っ込み、パニックに陥り花瓶を粉砕→古代エジプト系ニャンコに

My friends cat got it’s head stuck in a vase, freaked out, broke the vase, and was left with this. from r/pics

6. ヤギがトランポリンを探しています: 「ペットのヤギが愛用のトランポリンを壊し、落ち込んでいます。小さなトランポリンをお安く譲っていただけませんか?」

Goat seeking trampoline from r/AnimalsBeingDerps

7. ケーブルを齧り、大学の講義を2日間 休講にしたリスの記念碑が学生たちの寄付により完成: 「スパーキーの記念碑 〜暗黒の中でも光を求めしリス、ここに眠る〜 2018年クラス」

A memorial for the squirrel that ate through a wire that canceled classes for two days. It was paid for by the undergrad class. (from FB) from r/funny

8. 「手術を受け、下半身丸出しとなった友達の猫」

My friend’s cat had surgery and now he has no pants from r/funny

9. 「庭に遊びに出た愛犬が吠えるので、心配して見に行くとこんな状態に」

Let my dog out into the garden, two minutes later I hear her barking and go outside to see this from r/funny

10. 「リスが屋根から落ちたようだ」

I think a squirrel fell off my roof.. from r/funny

11. 「足にこびりついた自分のウンチを拭き取ろうとしていたら、ひっくり返ってしまった…らしき我がカメ」

I came in to find my tortoise like this. Putting the clues together, it seems he pooped, got it stuck on his foot, ran in circles trying to get it off, and flipped over. Good job buddy. from r/Wellthatsucks

12. モンタナの窓からの眺め: 庭からクマを追い出す猫

Just another day in Montana. Cat chasing a bear out of the backyard. from r/pics

13. 「ハマったカモ」(無事救出済み)

So this happened (yes, I rescued it) from r/pics

14. ピンチに陥ったおデブ猫(無事救出済み)

We actually had to help him down.. Idiot from r/funny

15. 腹がつかえたアライグマ(無事救出済み)

This fat fool had to be rescued by animal control from r/funny


プレビュー画像: © Reddit/dishie © Reddit/ItHirtsWhenIP