




1. 「誰かの付け爪がエレベーターボタンに刺さったようだ」

Someone’s nail got stuck in the elevator button from r/Wellthatsucks

2. 「ノルウェーのスヴァールバル諸島で窓を閉め忘れると、こうなる」

When you live in Svalbard, Norway and forgot to close the window to the home office from r/Wellthatsucks

3. 「今日はシャワーもお風呂もなしで」

Guess who’s not taking a shower tonight from r/Wellthatsucks

4. 「5年間勤務した職場を今日退職してもらったお別れカード。従業員500人以上なんですけど…」

I’m leaving my job after 5 years today, over 500 people I work with, this is my leaving card. from r/Wellthatsucks

5. 「髪を染めてすぐに洗い流すと、こうなる」

“2021 Dad of the Year” ladies and gentlemen. I told her to shower, instead of rinse her hair out, right after dying it. from r/Wellthatsucks

6.  「新年の目標は決まった?」

So… How are your New Year’s resolutions coming? from r/Wellthatsucks

7. 「今日、彼女の23歳の誕生日なんだけど…」

Today my GF is 23 from r/Wellthatsucks

8. 「偶然にもすでに持っているのと同じ服(しかも着てる)をプレゼントされた祖父」

Not only did grandpa already have this shirt, he was wearing it when he unwrapped it. from r/Wellthatsucks

9. 「義理の両親から夕食に招かれて、のこのこ行ったら…罠だった」

In-laws invited us over for dinner; it was a trap from r/Wellthatsucks

10. 「昨夜、雷の直撃を受けた我が家の郵便ポスト」

My mailbox was blown up by lightning last night from r/Wellthatsucks

11. 「ドアの長さを測れと言う妻に、どのドアも同じサイズだと返したら…」

My wife said measure the door, I told her all doors are the same size… from r/Wellthatsucks

12. 「先週、14歳の愛犬が亡くなり、自分が病気になり、父が緊急の心臓手術を受け…さらに休日の朝、愛車がこうなってた」

In the past week, my dog of 14 years died, I’ve been sick, my dad had emergency heart surgery, and this is what I woke up to on my day off. from r/Wellthatsucks

13. 「引き取った愛犬に入っていたのと同じタトゥーを入れてお揃いにした男性。『去勢済み』の印だとも知らずに…」

Man gets a tattoo he found on his pup, not knowing it means he’s neutered from r/Wellthatsucks

14. 「叔父が6年かけて丹精込めて育て上げた鯉が昨夜、皆が就寝中に起きた停電のせいで全滅していた」

My uncle just found out this evening that all of his kois that he took care for 6 years all died due to a power outage that happened last night when everyone was sleeping. from r/Wellthatsucks


ツイてない人々シリーズはこちらからもどうぞ ↓

プレビュー画像: ©️reddit.com/Wellthatsucks