




1. チョークで描いた枕でスヤスヤとお昼寝する2歳の娘

Imagination Level 100. My 2-yr-old daughter drew a pillow with chalk, then laid down for a nap… from r/pics

2. 6歳の娘はシュノーケリングをする私と、弟と、パパを書いてくれました。けど…なんか…一家心中みたいな…

3. 5歳の息子に、「妹を守ってあげてね!」って言ったんです。それ以来、こんな感じです

4. 勇敢なジェダイの騎士です

My daughter looks like she just destroyed an entire Sith army. from r/pics

5. 4歳の息子は自分が忍者だと思っています…確かに、背景と同化してまったく見えない!

My 4 year old thinks he’s a ninja so my wife took a “before” picture and showed him. He absolutely thinks he’s completely invisible in front of our black appliances. from r/funny

6. 6歳の娘はすでに貫禄十分…まるで育児に疲れ切った母親のようです

My daughter looks like a mom that regrets all her life decisions. from r/aww

7. おしゃれな現代アートでしょうか?いいえ、私の姪が、お尻で描いたものです

I asked for art for my new apartment this Christmas. May I present “butterflies”, a painting from my nieces made entirely with their butt cheeks. Lovely. from r/funny

8. 確かに、ゴロゴロ~っとくるまりたい気持ちは分かります

My daughter trying to hide when shes supposed to be in bed. from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid

9. 子供は隠れるのが大好き!

My Son’s hide-and-go-seek spot. from r/funny

10. 妹に初めて出会った時の、私の娘の反応

My daughter’s reaction when holding her new baby sister. Much heavier than the dolls she practiced on. LOL from r/aww

11. 飼い犬が新しいソファにオシッコをした瞬間の家族の悲哀を、息子は鮮明に描き出しました

Our dog peed on our new couch. My 6 year old daughter documented the events, including my reaction. from r/pics

12. 「どうだい、これがゴッホ。世界でもっとも有名な画家のひとり…て、オイ」

Took my daughter to a van gogh exhibition from r/funny

13. ドアを強く締めすぎて開かなくなってしまった娘。それを心配して眺める飼い犬。

Here we have a 13yo in her natural habitat. I present my daughter, who, after being told to change into appropriate clothes, slammed her bedroom door so hard it got stuck. Her escape effort is pictured here – with our concerned dog looking on. from r/pics

14. コスプレの域を超えている!

My friends 3 yr old son in preschool today. from r/pics

15. ホームセンターで見つけたフォトフレームの中の女の子が自分だと思っている娘。(p.s. 息子は後ろで鏡にキスしてる)

My daughter thought this was her. Bonus: My son in the background. from r/pics


プレビュー画像:©︎Facebook/Beth Fanstone